Rice Purity Test

The Rice Purity Test is a self-graded survey that originated at Rice University in Houston, Texas. It is designed to measure a person's level of innocence and experience in various aspects of life, including relationships, personal habits, and behaviors. The test consists of a list of 100 questions, and respondents are asked to indicate their level of involvement or experience in each activity by selecting the most appropriate response.

The questions cover a wide range of topics in Rice Purity Test, such as sexual activities, substance use, interpersonal relationships, and personal habits. The responses are typically graded on a scale from 0 to 100, with a higher score indicating a higher level of perceived purity or innocence.

It's important to note that the Rice Purity Test is often taken humorously and is not a scientifically validated measure of a person's character. People may take it for fun or as a social activity, and the results should be interpreted with a light-hearted perspective. Keep in mind that everyone's values and experiences are different, and there is no universal standard for measuring purity or innocence.

Questions About Rice Purity Test:

The Rice Purity Test consists of 100 questions covering various aspects of life, including experiences, behaviors, and attitudes. Here is a condensed version of the test, with one statement from each category:

  1. Social Behavior:

    • I have not engaged in any illegal activities.
  2. Substances:

    • I have never consumed alcohol.
  3. Risky Behavior:

    • I have never engaged in any form of self-harm.
  4. Sexual Activity:

    • I have never engaged in sexual intercourse.
  5. Relationships:

    • I have never cheated on a partner.
  6. Honesty:

    • I have never lied to someone to avoid trouble.
  7. Respect for Others:

    • I have never intentionally physically harmed another person.
  8. Criminal Activity:

    • I have never committed a crime.
  9. Personal Hygiene:

    • I have never gone more than a week without bathing.
  10. Health and Wellness:

    • I have never knowingly spread a sexually transmitted infection.

These are just a few examples, and the actual test has 90 more questions covering a wide range of topics. Keep in mind that the test is often taken for fun and is not a serious measure of a person's character. Interpret the results with a light-hearted perspective and consider that everyone's values and experiences are different.

For More 90 Questions You should visit: https://ricepuritytestx.com/
